Student life

Student life

Zsófia Varga |
Student life

Student Support Centre


General information
You can view your scholarship in Neptun: Finance → Scholarships, Payments.
Applications for other scholarships can be submitted under Administration → Applications → Fillable applications.

Bachelor of Earth Sciences (MSc)
Master of Cartography (IK)
Other scholarship opportunities:

Outstanding Student of the Faculty (link TTK)
Travel Grant (2019-2020)
Campus Mundi
National scholarships for higher education:
National Scholarship for Young Talent

ELTE Student Council

Would you like to join the student government? You already have: all students at the University are automatically members of the student council.

The student councils mainly represent the interests of students in various matters (academic, fees and benefits, disciplinary, etc.) and are also involved in the organisation of various services for students (such as freshers' camp, freshers' ball, other events, publications, printing, photocopying, computer facilities in some faculties, etc.)

At ELTE there are two levels of student government. The faculty sub-governments are composed of the first level, the faculty students' sub-governments and the first level of student halls of residence. The Dormitory Students' Self-Government is the self-governing organisation of students who are members of a dormitory in any of the dormitories of the ELTE Dormitory Service Centre.  The ELTE Students' Union is formed by delegations from the first level sub-governments, which is the student self-government of ELTE, as described in the Organisational and Operational Regulations.


ELTE HÖK coordinates the activities of the sub-governments; it represents the interests of the sub-governments at the university level (at the faculty level, this is done by the faculty self-governments) and provides professional support to the sub-governments. The student self-government is a fully autonomous organisation, with democratically elected representatives participating in the management and self-organisation of the University.

At ELTE, student representatives have a one-quarter and one-third share in the university and faculty decision-making bodies, the Senate and the faculty councils, which requires a great deal of preparation and knowledge on their part and also entails a great deal of responsibility. These bodies take all the strategic decisions affecting the university, from appointing staff to adopting the budget and the various institutional regulations, to approving awards. Student representatives are, of course, involved not only in the decision-making process but also in the preparation of decisions.

In addition to its advocacy tasks, the ELTE Students' Union also carries out other activities, such as organising events at the ELTE, running the ELTE Online university news portal, researching and advertising scholarships and grants at home and abroad, and continuously expanding its activities in the area of student services.

ELTE Student Council
1088 Budapest, Múzeum körút 4., Building A basement -160 room
+36-(1)- 411-6500 / 8256 extension

Academic Departments
Information and contact details of the Department of Studies of ELTE TTK

Information and contact details of the Department of Studies of ELTE IK

Medical Practices

Within the framework of PRAEVENTIO-SANITAS Ltd., the following occupational health clinics are available to University employees and, in urgent cases, to University students:

Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A fszt. 0.124/A (Lágymányosi Campus)
Office hours: Tuesdays 12:00-15:00
Phone: 6188 extension

Community Kitchen

Long day, you're hungry, but where can you get anything warm, prepared, if you don't just grab a bite to eat?

You'll find university community kitchens in several buildings where students can prepare meals together or share a meal. These kitchens are usually well equipped and support community life while allowing students to cook for themselves.

On the ground floor of the North Building of our Lágymányos Campus, you will find a Community Tea Kitchen in rooms 0.116-0.117 on the Danube side of the ground floor.