Dr. Márton Pál

Assistant professor

Dr. Márton Pál
email: pal.marton@inf.elte.hu
website: https://mercator.elte.hu/~marchello/
room: 7.78


Earth Sciences BSc:
Informatika a földtudományokban GY
GPS terepgyakorlat
Geoinformatika 2. EA+GY (régi tanterv szerint: Geoinformatika a térképészetben)
Tematikus térképek a geotudományokban GY
Térbeli adatvizualizáció GY

Cartography MSc:
Tematikus kartográfia EA+GY

Geoinformatics MSc:
Tematikus adatok ábrázolása EA+GY

Cartography MSc - Stipendium Hungaricum:
Cartographic Software P
Thematic Cartography L+P

Geoinformatics MSc - Stipendium Hungaricum:
Thematic data visualisation L+P
Vector-based GIS (ArcGIS) P
Digital Terrain Models P

Environmental Sciences BSc (átoktatás):
Térképismeret és geoinformációs rendszerek GY 


  • Quantitative (quantitative) assessment of earth science diversity
  • Earth heritage research
  • Knowledge dissemination and communication in the earth sciences through thematic cartography and data visualisation
  • Vector-web-based spatial information
  • Remote sensing by drone (TKP2021-NVA-29 (Protecting safety-critical national services and industrial infrastructures with cyber security, technological and regulatory tools)
  • Teaching Cartography and Geoinformatics (NKA-2024/056-S010-Company: Entertaining Cartography and Geoinformatics - Professional Leader)

Publications (MTMT)




  • Hungarian Geological Society ProGEO Geological Conservation Section (Secretary, 2021-)
  • European Geosciences Union GM Early Career Scientists (committee member, 2022-)

Field of interest:
methodology of education, public transport, hiking, gardening, travel, classical music, theology